
Sunday Writers

Beinecke Rare Book Library, Yale. Photo ©melissajwhite

Do you have a book project you've been trying to finish? Do you need a conscientious teacher and a safe space to discover your writing voice? Looking for a regular, small, directed group to work with? Melissa offers inspiring and energizing classes called Sunday Writers.

Because people learn by doing, Melissa believes in a highly interactive approach. She has taught in classrooms in Japan, at conferences, privately, and has created writing workshops and webinars for entrepreneurs, bloggers, designers, students and writers.

What does Sunday Writers consist of?

  • Each Sunday Writers session lasts 10 weeks.
  • You and 3 other writers meet with Melissa every Sunday for 2 hours on Zoom.
  • Each writer reads their 4-6 pages.
  • Melissa gives direct critique and engages the writer in their work.
  • The other writers share a comment or two.
  • A plan is made for each writer's work for the next week.
  • Each 10-week class is $250.

topics for sunday writers


explore Your writing style

Does your style of writing match the piece you are currently working on? What improvements can create clarity for your readers? What is pace, tone, color? Did you know you even had a style? In Sunday Writers, you'll learn to identify what your natural style is, how to enhance it, and even how to change it to suit your work.

discover your intended audience

Who are you writing for? What possibilities are there for the type of story you are writing? Discover the people who will love your story and plan what you will do with it when you finish. Will this be a chapbook you print yourself? Maybe you'd like to make an eBook to sell on Amazon. Or you're writing chapters to interest a literary manager. We'll explore all the possibilities of getting your writing out into the world.


plan your story's emotional journey

We will talk about how to slow down the pace of your story with visual breaks on the page, how to keep the reader's attention focused by removing unnecessary sections, and where your story could benefit from a lengthier setup.

get stuff done

Create your body of work! At the end of the 10 weeks, you'll have a beginning of a novel, several chapters in a memoir, or a collection of essays to begin sending to magazines for publication. You can use Sunday Writers to sound out several different projects or to focus on one large manuscript.

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Bette Bradbury 2015-high-res

“Melissa is an excellent teacher and facilitator. She created and delivered an engaging online workshop for WESST clients who were motivated to learn about the interactive relationship between marketing and storytelling. Melissa delivered a meaty workshop to a discerning group of entrepreneurs who learned and enjoyed their learning experience.”

Bette Bradbury
Regional Director, WESST (Women’s Economic Self-Sufficiency Team)


"Melissa’s workshop helped me tap into my creative potential and gave me the tools to blog about the things I love. Her passion for writing is contagious. I left feeling empowered and inspired. I went on to write blog articles that were meaningful to myself, my family, and my community."

Mike Root
Western Life Camp

Want to finish that project this year?

Having a small, personal class can improve the chances that you will be inspired and motivated to work each week on your writing. Contact me today to discuss the possibilities!